Bora Bora beach is a private and public bathing beach, located at the foot of Mount "Rakat" on the western side of the Sea of ​​Galilee. The unique location of the beach gives a magical and special atmosphere that merges with the beach reserve, when you sit down and look at the palm trees with the Sea of ​​Galilee and the Golan mountains in front,
One can only wonder, Tahiti or did I dream?!


For many years Bora Bora was used by the family itself and was closed to the general public until in 2009 the family submitted a petition to the Beach Committee to turn it from a beach reserve into a declared bathing beach, and open its magical gates to the public so that more people can enjoy the unique beauty of the beach reserve called Bora Bora.


The beach is located at the foot of Mount Rakat and all around it there are sources of natural springs.

The area is located in one of the areas
The most virgin that remained in the vicinity of the Sea of ​​Galilee, a wild area
And beautiful whose owners invest a tremendous effort so that it remains so for future generations.


How Bora Bora was created

The idea of ​​establishing Bora Bora beach came from the father of the family David who in the 80's lived in the original Bora Bora which is in Tahiti.
The entire beach was built inspired by the original place and designed and built in true Tahitian style, from bamboo and straw to maintain an authentic and real look. And when you are on the beach you can feel a real Tahitian atmosphere, Bora Bora was built from organic materials that preserve the green environment all this to keep the pristine beach reserve in its existing state.



Bora Bora Beach


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